Welcome to Fastrak
Fastrak is a Project Managing, Fabrication, Engineering, Construction, Installation and Offshore Employee Management Company. Based in Western Australia our company was established in 1992 to supply personnel across a broad range of areas from Project Managers on turn key contracts, Qualified Supervisors on shutdown maintenance, Subcontract employees hire for programmed mining shutdowns, and long term hire of key employees on major fabrication, construction, erection, repair and rebuild projects. Fastrak also has managed Welding Inspection, Welder qualification and Quality Control on major infrastructure projects. Fastrak supplies personnel to do specific tasks, we also provide ongoing management of their skills so that your organisation obtains the highest level of service and quality of personnel.
When dealing with Staff at Fastrak you can be assured you are speaking to professional qualified consultants and managers who have pursued their career options and qualifications with in the W.A Engineering and Mining sector, Fastrak also encourages the up skilling of trades persons to senior management as this ensures the people discussing and programing the work understand the daily challenges faced at the cold front.
All trades persons supplied by Fastrak are of a high standard, being professionally screened on previous work history, candidates must supply a minimum of 3 past work references of which can be made available to a client including a health assessment review to ensure the candidate is fit to fulfil the requirement of each placement.
All Fastrak trades persons are inducted to Occupational Health and Safety Standards and instructed on how to portray themselves within your organisation, adhering to your work place rules and regulations.
We take care of all statutory requirements for personnel supplied, such as Workers Compensation Insurance, Public Liability Insurance and Superannuation.
We offer one-on-one consultations with clients to establish your requirements and our consultants are able to tailor charge out rates and packages for personnel supplied, thus ensuring there are no disruptions or disputes over wages and conditions within your organisation.
We at Fastrak take great pride in the service we provide our clients and can be contacted 24 hours per day 7 days per week.
Fastrak look forward to doing business with you and your organisation, giving us the opportunity to meet your personnel requirements.
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Contact Us
Fastrak Fabrication and Engineering Pty Ltd
12c/27 Old Great Northern Highway
PO Box 272
Glen Forrest WA 6071
Phone:9250 1766
9250 1799
Office Mobile After Hours:
0419 914 303
0419 914 317
0419 914 927
Facebook: /fastrakffe