Privacy Statement

Fastrak Fabrication and Engineering Pty Ltd
This statement is intended to authenticate Fastrak assurance to privacy, and that all personal information provided to Fastrak is in compliance with the current privacy legislation.
All efforts will be undertaken to ensure information received by you to Fastrak remains strictly private and is used only for the purposes agreed to by yourself.
Information collected by Fastrak
Fastrak will require storing information collected from you, which will be stored on Fastrak’s data base.
Information gathered by Fastrak via Website, directly from you or from your responses to the online or printed advertisements, a publicly available source, or by referees provided to Fastrak by yourself
Personal Information Held
The following personal information will be held by Fastrak
- Postal, home and e-mail, address, phone numbers
- Medical and health history
- Work experience
- Skills test results
- Incidents in the workplace
- Trade or professional association memberships
- Copies of documents supplied by yourself
Your personal information may be used in connection with:
- Your actual or possible work placement;
- Your performance appraisals;
- Our identification of your training needs;
- Any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information.
Your personal and sensitive information may be disclosed to….
- Potential and actual employees and clients of Fastrak Personnel
- Referees;
- Our insurers;
- A professional association or registration body that has a proper interest in the disclosure of your personal and sensitive information;
- A workers Compensation body
- Any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.
If you do not give us the information we seek
- We may be limited in our ability to locate suitable work for you;
- We may be limited in our ability to place you in work;
What are your rights?
- If you would like your personal information deleted from the Fastrak database you can contact Fastrak and request that this information be deleted.
- You are entitled to know the details that we hold on record about you and apply to have records corrected if you believe them to be inaccurate. In certain circumstances we may refuse access e.g. if it would affect the privacy of another individual or if exempt by law. To apply for access or correction of your information, please write to Fastrak.