Take the Hassle out of Recruiting Staff

At Fastrak "We take the hassle out of recruiting staff" we are an Employee Management Company which can help you with you're on the job requirements. Fastrak provides specialist workforce solutions covering all elements of the workplace, from semi skilled trades people to a complete crew, on a casual basis, on a contract or permanent basis. We do not only supply personnel to do specific tasks, but we also manage their skills so that we are providing you with the best quality service and personnel to get your job done.
All tradesmen supplied are of quality standard, with references that can be made available to you. All tradesmen are inducted to Occupational Health and Safety Standards and instructed about how to portray themselves when placed in a position within your organisation. They must adhere to your work place rules and regulations. When talking to Staff at Fastrak you can be assured that you are not only talking to Professional Recruiting Personnel but fully Qualified Trades Persons with approx 40 years of experience between them.
Fastrak takes care of all statutory requirements for the personnel supplied ie: Workers Compensation Insurance, Public Liability Insurance and Superannuation as per the SGL.
If you have specific agreements within your organisation that you may require our personnel to fall in line with just speak to one of our consultants and they will be able to tailor the charge out rates and packages for personnel supplied. Thus ensuring that there is no disruption, or disputes over wages and conditions with in your organisation.
We will meet your requirements for labour and ensure that the personnel supplied are fully skilled and competent to complete your scope of works.
Why select us?
Our ability to consistently source the positions for you means that your relationship with our team of professional recruitment staff, who have demonstrated knowledge of your industry, its operations and requirements will ensure your business success.
A company is only as strong as the staff it employs, and at FASTRAK we are proud of the staff we provide.
Fastrak provide specialist workforce solutions covering all elements of the workplace, from semi skilled trades people to a complete crew, on a casual, contract or permanent basis.
We provide the following job classifications:
- Mining Personnel
- Mobile Plant Operators
- Mining Process Operators
- Leading Hands and Supervisors
- Electricians
- Instrument Technicians
- Trade Assistants
- Laboratory Personnel
- Field Assistants
- Diesel Fitters
- Boilermaker/Welders
- Mechanical Fitters
- Crane Operators
- RiggerslDogmenlScaffolders
- Truck Drivers
- Forklift Operators
- Stores Personnel
For further information about the best method of personnel placement by Fastrak, please see below or contact us.